May 28, 2012

5th Bimonthly Exam Guide

1.   What is a vector?
2.   What is a bitmap?
3.   Difference between vectors and bitmaps.
4.   Recommended resolution for on screen display and printed images.
5.   Examples of filters.
6.   Examples of layer styles.
7.   What is a pixel?
8.   What is a megapixel?
9.   Photoshop file format
10.               What is PPI?
11.               Shortcuts (New file, copy, paste, new layer)
12.               Quick keys (layers, lasso tools, magic wand, brush, clone stamp, paint bucket, type, hand and zoom)
13.               Identify the tools by their icon (custom shape, move, polygonal lasso, eraser, magic wand, paint bucket, eyedropper, crop)
14.               Identify the parts of Photoshop interface. (Main menu, options bar, palettes, status bar, tools bar)

15.               Different file formats to save an image. (without background [PNG] for on screen display [JPEG])
16.               Principal color modes. (For on screen display [RGB] For printing [CMYK])

1.   Flash tools. (pencil, brush, pen, paint bucket, lasso)
2.   Flash interface. (panels, tools, properties, stage, timeline)

3.   Flash timeline. (layers, new layer, delete layer, keyframe, frame, blank keyframe)

4.   Definitions of: flash, frames, symbol, vector, eyedropper, timeline, keyframe, stage, graphic, button, timeline, etc.)
5.   Main actions and their function. (play, stop, trace, gotoAndPlay, nextScene, gotoAndStop, getURL, prevScene)