Photoshop Filters are used to clean up or retocuh your images. These filters apply special arte effects that give your image the appearance of a sketch or pastel painting. You can see the result of the filters in your image before you apply them.
To apply a filter go to the Filters menu located in the Main Menu.
Instructions: Download 20 different appropriate pictures, and apply them the following filters. (one filter per picture)
- 5 pictures with Artistic filters (free to choose)
- 2 pictures with Brush Strokes filters (free to choose)
- 2 pictures with Pixelate filters (free to choose)
- 2 pictures with Render filters (lens flare & lighting effects)
- 5 pictures with Skecth filters (free to choose)
- 2 pictures with Stylize filters (free to choose)
- 2 pictures with Texture filters (free to choose)