Aug 25, 2011

Computing Quiz

Class Mail

Remember to send all the activities ONLY to the following mail:

Aug 21, 2011


Hello students, Welcome to our class blog!!
Feel yourself at home. This space will be a very important part of your learning experience this year.
Here I'll post homeworks, assignments and class notes as well as helpful resources for this 2011 - 2012 period topics.
I'm also going to share our classroom experiences and you can comment and ask questions here if you need it.
Make sure you check out our class blog often to be in touch with new changes and important information for class and school.
Remember you can share this class blog with family and friends so that everybody can check out some of the cool things that are happening in our class.

Remember that this year we have a huge commitment: learning two major design (Photoshop) and animation (Flash) softwares.

So it's very important for us to have Self-control, justice, to work hard and keep a positive attitude as the TEC way!  and most of all to HAVE FUN by learning this new software!!
I'm always be there to help you ok? so, your questions, comments or suggestions are welcome too!