To start the activities of the Third Period, you are going to use all the tools we have learned so far about PS.
This project doesn't have specific steps or instructions, the purpose is that you use your imagination and apply the tools, effects, filters, styles, etc. you know.
The project consists in creating a christmas photomontage, where you are supposed to be a really really small person surrounded by giant and representative christmas things, like ornaments, cookies, christmas tree, lights, etc.
Take a look at the examples below, they were created by last year's students. You need to be part of the photomontage, so you will need a picture of yourself (high resolution) in different positions or angles. If you have a specific idea or christmas ornaments in your house that you'd like to use, take them a picture to use them in your project.
Use the image adjustments to make changes in the color or light.
Have Fun!!
PS file settings: width 35 cm / height 25 cm / resolution 100 ppi. *Christmas
frame or border *Your name at the lower right corner. (small)